A case study for the Native Title Report reveals the effect of mismanagement and climate change on the Murray Darling River Basin and its Indigenous peoples. Aboriginal nations have sought to protect the environment and ecosystems
This website was devised to provide information about the Murray Darling Basin and its importance to communities in South Australia that receive piped Murray river water. The site has useful fact sheets on issues concerning the river.
The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations represent 22 groups in the Northern Murray Darling Basin seeking recognition and respect for Aboriginal knowledge regarding natural resource, land and water management.
The Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) was formed as a gathering of all the Aboriginal nations along the Murray River to come together to protect Country and Culture. The site highlights the environmental and ecological issues threatening the Murray-Darling Basin.
Indigenous water rights have been overlooked for a long time. The Conversation reports on government measures in 2018 aimed at restoring some measure of water justice to the many Aboriginal nations of the Murray-Darling Basin.
These pages from the Murray-Darling Basin Commission examines water quality in the catchment. The pages have a number of maps and examine the problems of nutrient pollution and other issues such as salinity. Various solutions to the problems are also provided.
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority explains that excessive salinity concentrations are toxic to most life forms. Salt build up has become one of the most significant environmental challenges facing the Basin, a result of European farming practices.
This guide and worksheet from the National Museum of Australia provides historical information about the management of water in the Murray-Darling Basin and its significance for the food bowl of the nation.
The aim of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin NRM Board is to ensure the health of the river. This site provides access to the Board's plans, community action, news and further links. The website also has teaching resources on themes of water, sustainability, plants and animals, food gardens, soils, waste and recycling, energy and climate.
Five years after the implementation of the Murray-Darling basin plan, Australia's great river system is under stress. The Guardian presents a multi-media report (2018) on trouble spots along the Murray Darling river system.
The Goulburn Murray Water site provides information about the irrigation history of the catchment, environmental issues and management and water storage.
ABC News reports that irrigator groups in New South Wales' Murray Valley are calling for politicians to rethink environmental water recovery plans, saying their communities and agricultural productivity will continue to suffer if higher targets are pursued.
The Behind the News team explores the alternatives to growing food in the agricultural Murray Darling basin area with its ongoing water issues, and seeks to find another potential food bowl for Australia. Links are provided to related articles.
This article sums up the issues for farmers irrigating land in the Murray Darling Basin - how much the 'food bowl' produces, the problems, how much water is needed for agriculture and for the wetland environment, and the implications of reductions in water allocation.
The State Library of SA provides information on the Murray-Darling Basin crops of cotton and rice produced under irrigation with implications for water use by downstream areas. Relevant newspaper articles are presented from its collection.
This ECOS Magazine article describes the contentious issue of water-intensive rice farming in the bone-dry Murray-Darling Basin despite efforts to improve water efficiency. To maintain a liveable income, some farmers have become water traders, selling their allocations temporarily to other growers.
The Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) is a highly productive region of NSW that produces food and fibre. Farming enterprises of the region depend on water allocations, threatened as a result of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Biomes and food security: environmental, economic and technological factors that influence crop yields in Australia and across the world.